Arkansas Dwelling Fire Products

Our dwelling products are designed for tenant, secondary, and owner occupied residences. The DP is a form to meet the needs of most. Dwelling fire forms include the basic DP-1, broad DP-2 and Special peril policy form. Both DP-1 and DP-2 forms are written on an ACV basis. 

Certain Underwriters @ Lloyd’s – is an “A” rated company and offers DP-1 and DP-2 forms. Lloyd’s writes tenant, secondary and owner occupied residences up to $200,000. VMM is an optional coverage available on the DP-1 and included on the DP-2.  Tenant occupied property can be scheduled for your insured’s convenience without the hassles of several policies and billings

Aegis Security – is an “A” rated company. Aegis offers a basic DP-1 for primary, secondary and tenant occupied property.  Optional coverage includes Burglary and Limited Theft for primary owner occupied risks. Liability coverage is also available. 

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